108: Comparison, Sabbath, Gratitude, and Living in Light of 2020 with Amber Cullum


Amber Cullum is a wife, mom, host of the Grace Enough Podcast (on which I have had the pleasure of being a guest!), and a dear online friend of mine. On today’s show we do a bit of processing over all that has gone on in this country during the first half of 2020. In addition, Amber shares her unique and enlightening perspectives on topics such as comparison, gratitude, and Sabbath rhythms. It’s a good one!  

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The strong pull of comparison on social media

~A different way of thinking of comparison; how it isn’t necessarily all bad or always the thief of joy

~Comparison as a useful tool to point us toward godliness

~Paul and comparison

~Important questions to ask ourselves to see which kind of comparison we are operating out of 

~Following in the footsteps of those a step ahead of you in the faith 

~Walking forward boldly in our faith in the midst of a hard, confusing year

~The reality that both beauty and brokenness are both woven throughout the Word, beginning to end

~The importance of remembering past evidences of the faithfulness of God

~How life-changing the daily practice of exercising gratitude can be; how to get started practicing gratitude in a year such as this one

~How listing out what we are grateful for leads to our being more aware of what is going on around us and noticing the blessings all around

~The brain science behind taking every thought captive

~Sabbath and the benefit of incorporating Sabbath rhythms into your life; advice for how to get started

~Pursuing true rest for your soul

~And more!  

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth    

Episode with me as a guest on Amber’s podcast

Abigail Dodds’ Article on Comparison – “Comparison is not the Thief of Joy”

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp

Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen

Family Teams

Amber’s podcast episode with Jeremy Pryor

An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest by Alan Fadling

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity by Sandra Dalton-Smith

24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life by Matthew Sleeth

Amber’s podcast episode with Matthew Sleeth

Thirst: A Story of Redemption, Compassion, and a Mission to Bring Clean Water to the World by Scott Harrison

Charity Water 

In Pursuit of Love: One Woman’s Journey from Trafficked to Triumphant by Rebecca Bender


Inspiring Quotes to Remember:

“Comparison is not all bad. As young children, we learn to compare and contrast in order to know what is right and what is wrong.”

“If we completely took all comparison off the table, would we even be able to tell the difference between Christlikeness and worldliness?”

“Comparison can be a trap and can lead to shame, envy, and pride. But it can also be a helpful tool to help us imitate others as they imitate Christ.”

“The problem is not so much comparison in and of itself, but our sin natures and how we operate in light of comparison.”

“Don’t compare yourself to others in a destructive way. Compare yourself to others as a way to grow in godliness.”

“God uses imperfect people and circumstances to bring others to Himself, to bring about His will, and to accomplish His purposes.”

“Ask God to remind you of the ways He has been faithful in your life in the past so that you can walk forward in faith through the hard times now and in the future.”

“One of the best, easiest ways to let go of anxiety is to jot down all the things you are thankful for today.”

“Whatever our thought habits are determine what our brain makeup is like.”

“Sabbath rest provides you with an opportunity to embrace your human limitations and trust in God’s omnipotence.”

“The Lord invites us to slowness and stillness with him, to the joy that comes from trusting that He will provide.”


Where You Can Find Amber Online:

Website – Grace Enough

Instagram – @graceenoughpodcast_amber

Facebook – Grace Enough Podcast

Podcast-  Grace Enough  


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