January 2018 Scripture Writing Plan: The Trustworthy Plans of God

Today’s the big day, friends! Since announcing several weeks ago that we would begin a Scripture Writing plan together in 2018, several of you have expressed not only your interest in participating, but also your excitement over when I would finally release the plan for January. Well, the wait is now over! Here is our schedule for January. 🙂 



Our theme for January is “The Trustworthy Plans of God”. The reason I chose this as our first topic to travel through the Word and study together is because January is the month when we are all focusing on our plans, our goals, our resolutions, our hopes for the new year, and the direction in which we want to go. What we need to remember, particularly at the start of a new year, is that ultimately the Lord is the only one who is sovereign and in control – not us. He is the one directing our path, guiding our steps, and working everything according to His will. But what we also need to remember is that His will is good, pleasing, and perfect. It’s trustworthy. It’s for our good as well as for His glory. It’s a will, a plan, and a purpose we can rest in – even when it includes hardship or trial. So, that is what we will be studying through in January as a means of encouraging us at the beginning of a new year! 

Each day’s passage will take no more than about 5 minutes to write out, thereby making the plan easily accessible for even the busiest of women to follow. And, though it won’t at all be time-intensive, our Scripture-writing will aid us well in our desire to get into the Word of God, actually ponder and meditate on it, and study it for ourselves. Studies show that when we stop and actually write out something as opposed to simply reading (or typing it!), we retain far more of the material we are going over. So, I’m excited to see how this Scripture writing plan will equip us to better study and even memorize the Word of God.


How This is All Going to Work


So, here’s what we are going to do:

Beginning Monday, January 1, 2018, we will daily be writing out together the passage for the day as laid out in this plan. You can write out your passage in your journal, a notebook, your planner, a chalkboard, a calendar, a paper on your refrigerator, whatever you want! The whole point is to get into the Word and get the Word into us! So do what will work best for you!

As we go through the Scripture writing plan together, we are going to (as we feel led to and want to, there is no strict obligation!) take a picture of our writing for the day, post it to social media (along with, if you so choose, a note on what stood out to you from that day’s writing), and use the hashtag #homeandhearthscripturewriting. That way, we can keep track of who all is going through the plan, invite friends to join us, see how it’s going, encourage each other, and find likeminded ladies to journey together with through this plan. And, don’t miss this fun announcementfrom time to time there will be some really fun giveaways that will take place which will only be open to those ladies who are going through the plan and have used the hashtag. So, there’s another reason to be sure to use that hashtag in your posts! 

I’m so excited to embark on this new plan with you ladies and can’t wait to see how the Lord uses it in our lives! Comment below if you’re planning to join us! See y’all on Monday, January 1st!

As always, if you have any questions, just let me know! 

Merry Christmas, friends!

26 thoughts on “January 2018 Scripture Writing Plan: The Trustworthy Plans of God

      1. Thank you! I have my bible journal ready and I am excited to see what God speaks to me throughout this journey.

  1. I’m interested in this!! I received a new journal for Christmas that I think will be perfect for this!!

    1 question: I don’t do twitter, Instagram, or other such media sources….will the hashtag work if I use it on FB?

  2. Just found your post through google search! Love the topic idea…it is exactly what God has been putting on my heart to study. Thanks!

  3. Verse mapping goes very well with this Scripture writing!! I’m so excited 😆 2018 Pouring myself more into God’s Word!!! 💖💖

    1. Hi, Kelly! So happy to have you joining us! 😊 We have a FB group (“Home and Hearth Scripture Writing”) where daily I will be reminding everyone of our passage for that day. If you would like, I can also create a PDF for y’all of each month’s plan that could then be easily printed.

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