June 2021 Scripture Writing Plan: James and Esther


We are wrapping up what has been an amazing month of Scripture writing covering such timely verses in Ruth and James. We have seen just how applicable and relevant God’s Word is to our everyday lives and to the troubles we are experiencing in our world.

I’m really excited to be embarking now on a new month of study, and I’m ready to see what all the Lord has for us to learn in June! Once again, a huge “thank you!” and shout-out goes to my friend, Amber Durgan, who came up with the passages for this month’s plan! We will be finishing up the book of James and also beginning the book of Esther.

As I pointed out in my post about our overarching plan for 2021, we are transitioning this year from doing topical Scripture writing plans each month as we have in years prior to now doing whole books at a time instead, so that we might better pay attention to context and grow in our Bible literacy. This month,  we will be picking back up where we left off in Ruth this past month and also begin the book of James (a personal favorite of mine!).

Each day’s passage will take no more than about 5, maybe 10,  minutes to write out, thereby making the plan easily accessible for even the busiest of women to follow. And, though it won’t at all be time-intensive, our Scripture-writing will aid us well in our desire to get into the Word of God, actually ponder and meditate on it, and study it for ourselves. Studies show that when we stop and actually write out something as opposed to simply reading (or typing it!), we retain far more of the material we are going over. So, I’m excited to see how this Scripture writing plan will equip us to better study and even memorize the Word of God.

How This is All Going to Work

For those of you who may be new to the plan, here’s what we are going to do:

Beginning Tuesday, June 1, 2021, we will daily be writing out together the passage for the day as laid out in this plan. You can write out your passage in your journal, a notebook, your planner, a chalkboard, a calendar, a paper on your refrigerator, whatever you want! The whole point is to get into the Word and get the Word into us! So do what will work best for you!

As we go through the Scripture writing plan together, we are going to (as we feel led to and want to, there is no strict obligation!) take a picture of our writing for the day, post it to social media (along with, if you so choose, a note on what stood out to you from that day’s writing), and use the hashtag #homeandhearthscripturewriting. That way, we can keep track of who all is going through the plan, invite friends to join us, see how it’s going, encourage each other, and find likeminded ladies to journey together with through this plan. In fact, we have now formed an entire Facebook Group centered around the Home and Hearth Scripture Writing! There are already over 575 ladies in the group, several of whom daily post about what the Lord taught them through that day’s writing, how the passage was exactly what they needed in that moment, etc. It’s a super encouraging place, so please do consider joining us over there, as well!

I’m so excited to embark on this new plan with you ladies and can’t wait to see how the Lord uses it in our lives! Comment below if you’re planning to join us! See y’all on Tuesday, June 1st!

As always, if you have any questions, just reach out!


1 James 2:22-24

2 James 2:25-26

3 James 3:1-3

4 James 3:4-6

5 James 3:7-9

6 James 3 10-12

7 James 3:13-15

8 James 3:16-18

9 James 4:1-2

10 James 4:3-5

11 James 4:6-8

12 James 4:9-11

13 James 4: 12-14

14 James 4:15-17

15 James 5:1-2

16 James 5:3-5

17 James 5:6-8

18 James 5:9-11

19 James 5:12-14

20 James 5:16-18

21 James 5:19-20

22 Esther 1:1-3

23 Esther 1:4-6

24 Esther 1:7-9

25 Esther 1:10-12

26 Esther 1:13-15

27 Esther 1:16-18

28 Esther 1:19-22

29 Esther 2:1-3

30 Esther 2:4-6

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