Meal Planning 101 Part 2: The How




Last month we looked at the “why” of meal planning, and I shared with you six different ways in which meal planning can prove beneficial. Today we’re diving into the “how” and seeing exactly what the process of meal planning actually looks like.

So, how do we meal plan? Well, first of all let me say that the answer to this question is where many ladies get hung up, mistakenly starting to believe that they hate meal planning or else are just not cut out for it. This is because we oftentimes buy into the wrong idea that the way we meal plan (or do anything else in life!) has to look just like the lady we follow on Pinterest or exactly the way our mom or sister meal plans, or just how our best friend does it, etc. This simply is not the case, however! We need to first let go of this mistaken idea if we are going to be successful at meal planning. Our personalities as well as our family dynamics are all different, so our meal planning methods will have to reflect that.

With all that said, let’s now dive into the nitty-gritty of meal planning and look at three different methods you can try out to see what works best for you!


The Meal-Rotation Method

For some women, the problem they find with meal planning is that they feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to come up with several meal ideas days or even weeks in advance. Additionally, the thought of finding and trying all-new recipes feels too daunting for them in this season of life. This is where the meal-rotation method comes in! For this method of meal planning, you are going to make a list of as many of your family’s favorite meals and recipes as you can possibly think of – 4 to 6 weeks’ worth being optimal here. After you have made that master list (I know it takes time to do this, but you’re only doing it once and it will save you a ton of time from here on!), you now know exactly what you are going to choose from when it comes to making your menu in the weeks ahead. No longer do you have to scour over a pile of cookbooks or a hundred Pinterest boards. You have meals you know your family loves that you can quickly and easily incorporate into your meal plan.


To check out the other meal planning methods at your disposal, as well as to find some tips for meal planning, head over to Raising Homemakers to read the rest!

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