Help and Hope for the Angry Mom

I had the joy of guest-posting for another blogger friend this weekend, and pray that this article proves helpful to you!


Help and Hope for the Angry Mom


There is nothing like motherhood to take you down a notch and to reveal to you the sins and selfishness that so pervasively reside in your heart.

Prior to motherhood, it was relatively easy for me to think of myself as a pretty good person. I wouldn’t have said as much in so many words – after all, I know all the theology about my sinful nature, how I could never live up to the holiness of God and His standards, and that I needed Christ. I even knew and understood what we are taught in Jeremiah 17:9 about the heart being desperately wicked. In my pre-mama days, however, I was not regularly thrown into situations that supremely tried my patience or pushed my buttons. Therefore, I must be a relatively patient, easy-going, selfless person, right?


So very, very wrong. It wasn’t that I had been, by nature, a patient person. It was that my patience had not yet been tried to a very large degree on a daily, sometimes moment-to-moment basis.

Enter motherhood.


Confession Time: I am an Angry Mom

As I’ve mentioned on my Facebook page before, I was completely unprepared for the shocking depths of my temper and selfishness that were revealed when my firstborn crossed over into the challenging toddler years and – on top of that- I also had a newborn son who refused to sleep alone at night. It turns out that, when I don’t get my way, I can easily turn into a raging, frustrated, temper-tantrum throwing toddler myself!

How’s that for a pride check? There’s nothing quite like that moment when you find yourself throwing a temper tantrum over your toddler throwing a temper tantrum, to humble you and knock yourself off the pedestal you had (perhaps unknowingly) placed yourself upon! Talk about convicting!

So, what is a mama like me to do? How do we deal with the anger and frustration that can so easily bubble up within us in those hard moments when our selfishness is attacked, when our plan for the day is thwarted, or when we feel like we will undoubtedly pull out every last hair from our heads if we hear “Mama!!!!!” screamed one more time?


Head to Life with Little People to read the rest and discover, once and for all, the remedy to our mommy anger problem!



If you could use more encouragement for your journey of motherhood, I invite you to join me for my free 7 Day email course, Mothering by the Book: God’s Design for Motherhood.  Sign up here and also receive a discount on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them!) as a little gift of congratulations for completing the course! 

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